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How long does it take to become a butler?
Household Butler training courses can take between 4 and 8 weeks (some taking slightly longer). Hotel Butler training often takes a few days due to limited hotel resources but because hotel staff already have had other training, they make very good household staff, and the transition is a simple one.
Reaching a Cross Roads, Aspirations for our Industry
Hospitality and the industry as a whole face a shortfall of 14 million jobs by 2030. Negative perceptions of the industry, widening skill gaps and a failure to retain talent are just a few of the challenges faced by businesses and employers around the world.
Bad News For the Butler Profession?
Several years ago, the Houston Chronicle in Texas writes of local butlers and the challenges they face, connecting the experience of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge foregoing of butlers and asking the question whether this was bad news for the Butler profession?